Knights of Morningthaw of the Elune Realm |
Knights of Morningthaw
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Quick and Dirty 4/30/2005
Well, it doesn’t get any better than this considering my talents in web design or lack there of. Only thing I got is MS Publisher and it’s not highly recommended. Anyway, we’ve been discussing getting an “official” web page going so here it is.
Let me know if the website doesn’t work or if anything is off. It’s a good place to add all our links and stuff so if you need to add anything, links, ideas, or what not, let me know by posting on our message board. I’ll get it up here in a jiffy. I’ll be adding some more links and resources so check back here from time to time.
Alrighty, there you have it, quick and dirty. I’ll get to the Guild links later.
-Elron (John the Honorable) |